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Frozen Concentrated Ezogelin Soup
Frozen Concentrated Ezogelin Soup

Frozen Concentrated Ezogelin Soup

Frozen Concentrated Ezogelin Soup is a highly favored product in the category of concentrated soups offered by the PorsiOn Plus brand to save time in professional kitchens. As one of the most preferred soups by consumers, it provides an ideal solution for restaurants, hotels, and cafes.

PorsiOn Frozen Concentrated Ezogelin Soup can be prepared in 10 minutes, helping businesses save time and simplify their operations. The convenient and practical PorsiOn Plus Frozen Concentrated Ezogelin Soup is ideal for speeding up the food preparation process in professional kitchens. Typically, making many soups requires chopping vegetables, preparing ingredients, adding spices, and a long cooking process. However, by using frozen concentrated soup, you can skip these steps and save time. This soup is an excellent choice for professional chefs who want to prepare meals quickly.

Prepared with carefully selected ingredients, PorsiOn Plus Ezogelin Soup, being frozen and offered in a concentrated form, allows businesses to save both time and costs. Normally, ezogelin soup made with various ingredients can be costly in kitchens. However, by using PorsiOn Plus Frozen Concentrated Ezogelin Soup, you can reduce these costs. This soup helps businesses protect their budgets by eliminating the use of unnecessary ingredients.

PorsiOn Plus Frozen Ezogelin Soup is also highly valued in professional kitchens for its flavor. Due to the aromatic interactions that occur during the preparation process, this soup adds a unique taste to your menus, providing an excellent way to impress your customers. Offering the same taste in every bowl, it will also be a unique choice for your customers.

Our PorsiOn Plus Frozen Concentrated Ezogelin Soup, offered in a frozen concentrated form, is an ideal choice for professional kitchens due to its long shelf life. Frozen soups can last longer than soups made with fresh ingredients. This helps businesses reduce stock costs and avoid discarding spoiled ingredients.

Another advantage of our concentrated ezogelin soup is its short preparation time. By eliminating the long cooking time typically required for soup making, it speeds up your food preparation process. This allows meals to be prepared more quickly in professional kitchens, increasing the efficiency of businesses.

PorsiOn Plus Ezogelin Soup ensures that businesses always offer a fresh and quality product. Thus, businesses enjoy the convenience of always serving a fresh and high-quality soup.

Restaurants, hotels, and cafes can add PorsiOn Plus Ezogelin Soup to their menus to offer their customers a different soup alternative. Additionally, this product helps businesses meet customer demands. Because it is a ready and frozen product, businesses can quickly and practically respond to customer demands by always having it on hand.

Another advantage of PorsiOn Plus Ezogelin Soup is that it provides more space in the kitchens of businesses. The ready and concentrated form of ezogelin soup requires fewer ingredients and equipment in the kitchen. This allows businesses to gain more space in their kitchens and provides more flexibility in the operation of the business.

Frozen Concentrated PorsiOn Ezogelin Soup shortens the soup preparation time for chefs, increasing the meal service speed of businesses. Additionally, this product allows businesses to serve soup quickly and practically to their customers even during busy times.

Other varieties in our PorsiOn Plus frozen concentrated soup category include Tomato Soup, Chicken Broth Soup, Vegetable Chicken Broth Soup, and Lentil Soup.

Preparation Suggestion for Frozen Concentrated Ezogelin Soup

The entire product is thawed at 4°C. Drinking water at room temperature is added to the product in an amount equal to the product and taken to the stove. The product is slowly stirred and brought to a boil. After boiling, it is kept on the stove for another 5 minutes and is ready for consumption. The remaining portion should be stored at +4°C and consumed within 24 hours.

Individual Product Weight:

1 Kg, 2 Kg, or product weight is determined according to customer demand.

Packaging Types:

The box contains 12 packages of 1 kg each or 6 packages of 2 kg each. The number of packages in the box varies according to the weight of the primary packaging.


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Kişisel verileriniz, KVK Kanunu’nun 8. ve 9. Maddelerinde belirtilen kişisel veri işleme şartları ve amaçları çerçevesinde ve aşağıda belirtilen işleme amaçlarının gerçekleşmesi ve uygulanması ile sınırlı olarak, grup şirketlerimize, hissedarlarımıza, iş ortaklarımıza, tedarikçilerimize, kanunen yetkili kamu kurumlarına ve özel kişi veya kuruluşlar ile üçüncü kişilere ve sosyal medya hesaplarımız üzerinden aktarılabilecek, yurtiçinde ve yurtdışında işlenebilecektir:

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Kişisel veri sahibi olarak, haklarınıza ilişkin taleplerinizi www.porsi10.com.tr internet sayfamızda yer alan “Verisi İşlenen İlgili Kişi Başvuru Formu’nu” doldurarak şirketin [email protected] e-mail adresine veya yazılı olarak şirket adresine gönderebilirsiniz. 

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İletişim Bilgileri: 


Porsi10 Hazır Yemek San. ve Tic. Ltd. Şti. 

E-mail: [email protected]

Adres: Organize Sanayi Bölgesi, Ali Osman Sönmez Bulvari No:18 Nilüfer / BURSA

Telefon: 0850 888 99 00 

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Fusce eu mauris vitae nisl commodo vulputate. Aliquam lobortis vitae elit sed suscipit. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque blandit dolor malesuada libero tempor, ac facilisis turpis pretium. Sed in leo non ex vehicula gravida. Quisque tincidunt eros vel nisi vehicula aliquam. Vivamus urna libero, maximus ut urna vitae, pretium maximus nibh. Cras interdum in enim nec tincidunt. Proin et lectus pellentesque ante auctor dignissim vitae non velit. Donec vel purus id ipsum malesuada dignissim ac non purus. Vivamus finibus leo elit, vitae maximus ligula sagittis sit amet. Sed a vehicula tellus. Sed at neque eu elit posuere lobortis.

Integer nibh est, bibendum at ex nec, rhoncus faucibus magna. Nulla tempor eleifend lorem, quis lobortis tortor fermentum quis. Pellentesque aliquam leo enim, eget aliquet urna scelerisque vitae. Praesent id libero velit. Fusce fermentum, ante elementum volutpat molestie, risus quam blandit metus, non varius ante sem ac sem. Cras sit amet enim vel magna vestibulum ornare. Quisque sed neque eu nisi vehicula bibendum nec sit amet metus. Suspendisse pretium diam et felis molestie, in molestie lacus rhoncus.

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